Josephology Society International
Discover Joseph's hidden role in God's plan of salvation history. Explore. Contribute.


Purpose & Mission
JSI was established on October 13, 2024 to unite Christian scholars and theologians worldwide to study and make known the role of Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, in God’s amazing plan of salvation history. JSI does this primarily via its annual symposium and journal, Josephology Studies. In sum, as one saintly Josephologist put it, “Get to know Joseph and you will find Jesus!” A right and robust Josephology complements and assists a right and robust Mariology and, most importantly, Christology!
Our flagship publication, Josephology Studies, will contain scholarly articles on the most recent research within the theological field of Josephology as well as the proceedings of the annual Symposium. Accessed via E-Commons, future editions will be available online; or, you will also be able to purchase a print version for a small donation.
JSI's organizational structure is found in its bylaws and governed by a 3-year term Administrative Team, currently:
President: Rev. Edward Looney; VP: John D. Lewis; Secretary: Renee LeBoeuf; Program Officers: Rev. Joseph F. Chorpenning, OSFS & Dr. Joseph E.S. Uujamhan; Planning Officers: Rev. Boniface Hicks, OSB & Subdeacon Dennis Mifsud; Promotion Officers: Rev. Michael Ademola Odubela, OSJ & Celia Chin; Journal Editors: Rev. Neil J. Roy & Dr. Robert Fastiggi; Bylaws Officer: Andrew Kong; Website Officer: Scott L. Smith, Jr..
JSI membership levels are: Scholar, Worker, Apprentice, and Patron.
JSI holds an annual symposium, which includes a presidential address, numerous presentations, and a survey of recent Josephological publications. Symposium talks and additional scholarly articles are published in Josephology Studies each year. JSI's first Symposium will be held online, free, on March 20, 2025 from 5-10 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). The theme will be "Joseph, Beacon of Hope for the Pilgrim Church." To register for this free online Symposium, please click the blue Symposium button below. Once there, click Register.
What is Josephology?
Josephology is a specialized subdivision of dogmatic theology that focuses on the study of Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary and the loving father of Jesus the Messiah. Rooted in Scripture, it extends back to the 300s AD with Jerome and Ephrem the Syrian. This field has blossomed especially over the past 150 years. As Mariology (the study of Mary) grew, so too did the theological exploration of Joseph's role within Christianity. Both aid in our understanding of Christology (the study of Christ), the ultimate goal of all Christians. Towards the end of his life, the great St. John of the Cross humbly admitted something quite profound: "I did not understand St. Joseph well enough, but that will change."
Call for Papers!
2025 Symposium

"Join JSI to know the man who participated most closely in the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Redeemer, hidden for 30 years in the Holy Family. Meet St. Joseph, uniquely chosen by God to be the Virginal husband of the Mother of God, Earthly father for God’s own Son, Model of holiness in ordinary daily living, and Patron of the whole Church.”
- Rev. Larry Toschi, OSJ

“JSI has been a vision I’ve carried in my heart for over a decade.”
- Rev. Edward Looney

The Science of Saint Joseph
Discover profound insights through Biblical analysis, ancient Eastern & Western Church Fathers, Jewish and Christian history, iconography, and more!

Annual Symposium
Engage with scholars & deepen your understanding.
Publications & Research
Access our journal for the latest academic insights & findings.
Join the Society
Become a member & contribute to Josephology.
"Saint Joseph is the gateway to Jesus and Mary.”
- Very Rev. Donald H. Calloway, MIC
"To sketch St. Joseph, [we] must use something like the painterly technique of chiaroscuro. An artist depicts the surrounding shadows in order to accentuate the objects caught in a small shaft of light."
- Mike Aquilina
"Saint Joseph is the Silent Knight of that most Holy Night!"
- Dr. Scott Hahn

Josephology Society Membership
Help the Society grow worldwide!

For Scholars with a degree in theology (or its equivalent), or a published work, or a founder of a Josephological apostolate. Annual dues are $40 (retired or consecrated persons only $20).

For Associates who want to work with the Society in accomplishing its aims. Communities and institutions may also request this membership level. Annual dues are $20.
For current Students or seminarians of any secondary or higher education institution. Annual dues are $10.
For generous souls who can donate $100 or more per year to help with the great work of The Josephology Society. If you are also a Scholar, for example, you may register as a Patron-Scholar. Annual dues start March 19.
*No dues
March 19
Charter Members
Rev. Edward Looney, MDiv, STL: Founder. A dedicated Josephologist & Mariologist, accomplished author of seven books including Places of Grace and A Heart Like Mary’s, public speaker, pilgrimage leader, and popular YouTuber with over 500 videos, Fr. Edward is the Founder/Host of the "Cup of St. Joe" podcast which aired weekly during the Year of St. Joseph with a total of 47 special guests. The Compass columnist for the Green Bay diocesan newspaper and writer for Catholic Exchange, Aleteia, and Catholic-Link, Fr. Edward also has a website design background and currently serves as the Secretariat (past President) of the Mariological Society of America (MSA) and is the founding father of The Josephology Society. He has also appeared as a special guest on the Cuppa Joe show on YouTube’s Josephology channel.
Rev. Joseph F. Chorpenning, OSFS, STB, STL, PhD: prominent Josephologist, with works such as Joseph of Nazareth Through the Centuries (2011), a comprehensive collection of essays from various scholars exploring veneration of Joseph throughout history; Just Man, Husband of Mary, Guardian of Christ (1993), an anthology with selections from Jerónimo Gracián's treatise, Josephina: Summary of the Excellencies of St. Joseph (1597), translated into English for the first time; and Saint Joseph: Reflections on a Father's Heart (2022). Fr. Joseph, affiliated with Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia since 1991, served as the Editorial Director of Saint Joseph’s University Press for 27 years, and has written or edited 20+ books – his latest work, Saint Joseph and the Carmelite Reform of Saint Teresa of Ávila (2025).
Rev. Boniface Hicks, OSB, MDiv, STL: author of Through the Heart of St. Joseph, and 3 other books, specializes in spiritual direction and formation, leading retreats, and a well-known guest on EWTN and YouTube. A former atheist before his conversion to Christianity, Fr. Boniface serves as the Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Vincent’s Seminary, the Director of the Institute for Ministry Formation, and as the Programming Manager of We Are One Body Catholic Radio.
Fr. Neil J. Roy, STL, PhD: scholar, co-founder, and president of The Research Institute for Catholic Liturgy, he has contributed significantly to Josephology through his extensive editorial work with numerous publications and has held teaching positions at the College of Saint Mary Magdalen, University of Notre Dame, The Catholic University of America, and as a chair of the Department of Theology at Ave Maria College in Michigan.
Rev. Michael Ademola Odubela, OSJ, STL: author of St Joseph’s Treasury: a manual of Devotional Prayers, a professor of Moral Theology at Sts. Peter and Paul Major Seminary in Nigeria, Rector of the formation house, and a member of the Archdiocesan Senate, he is a public speaker and actively engaged in a Josephological social media apostolate on YouTube.
Deacon Mark Miravalle, PhD, STD: professor at Franciscan University since 1986, Ave Maria University, and holds the St. John Paul II Chair of Mariology, he specializes in Mariology, Spiritual Theology, and Josephology and has written or edited 20+ books, including Meet Your Spiritual Father (2017). Popular speaker on EWTN, Catholic radio, and YouTube, Mark was a special guest on an episode of Cuppa Joe wherein he spoke on Joseph’s fatherhood, virginity, and protodulia.
Scott Hahn, MDiv, PhD: prominent, very well-known Catholic convert, theologian, popular public speaker on EWTN, YouTube, radio shows, prolific author of 30+ books, apologist, and Founder of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Renowned for his specialty in covenant theology and typology with too many contributions in too many fields to mention, Scott’s work in Josephology includes various talks such as “Silent Knight, Holy Knight”, about Joseph’s role in salvation history. A professor at Franciscan University since 1990, Scott’s academic roles have included serving as the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at St. Vincent Seminary and the Cardinal Laghi Chair of Catholic Theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum.
Robert Fastiggi, MTh, PhD: Chair of Christology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, professor of Dogmatic Theology, Robert served as editor for the New Catholic Encyclopedia, for the Denzinger-Hünermann compendium, and for an English translation of Ludwig Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma. An active member of the Society for Catholic Liturgy, the Mariological Society of America (President), and the Pontifical Marian Academy International, Robert has been a public speaker at many conferences, EWTN, radio shows, and YouTube, for example: "What is Josephology with Dr. Robert Fastiggi.”
Mike Aquilina, MTh: hyper-prolific author of an incredible 80+ books including St Joseph and His World, a patristics guru (Fathers of the Church website), a familiar face on EWTN, songwriter, executive VP of St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, Mike has served as editor for New Covenant magazine and The Pittsburgh Catholic newspaper for several years. Podcast host (Way of the Fathers), keynote speaker, pilgrimage leader, his many specialties encompass journalism, research, history, doctrine, and spirituality. He appeared, twice, as a special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.
Joseph E.S. Uujamhan, KSG, PhD, FAEng: author of the six volume set, Saint Joseph as Revealed by the Doctors of the Church, as well as The Indispensable Saint Joseph I know from the Popes (which he presented to Pope Francis in a private audience in 2014), Joseph – a distinguished engineer and Josephologist – serves as the Coordinator (and Founder) of the Saint Joseph Society of the Archdiocese of Benin City in Nigeria, and was knighted by Pope Benedict XVI as a Knight of St. Gregory the Great in 2005.
Scott L. Smith, Jr., JD, MTh: co-author of Consecration to St Joseph for Children and Families, and many other books such as The Catholic ManBook, he specializes in men’s groups, evangelizing, blogging (The Scott Smith Blog) – with articles on St. Joseph (e.g., “Was St. Joseph an Old Man or a Young Man?”), and the theology of Sci-Fi. Founder and host of the podcasts Saints by Number and Catholic Nerds, Scott is an accomplished attorney in Louisiana, and has appeared as a special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.
Cecilia Lawrence, BS (Art), aka Theophilia: renowned for her beautiful icons "St. Joseph the Worker" and "Terror of Demons," which appeared in Consecration to St. Joseph, her artwork is inspired by Christ’s Incarnation and her love for theology and history. Depicting saints as relatable people through vibrant iconography and historical realism, her amazing portfolio has been showcased for a million people on DeviantArt and Etsy. Her artistic philosophy is encapsulated by her favorite two mottos: “To contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation” (from the Dominican Order) and “Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight for you” (Sirach 4:28). Cecilia was the very first special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.
Andrew Kong, JCL, LLB, BSc: magna cum laude graduate of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome with a Licentiate in Canon Law, Defender of the Bond for the Archdiocesan Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Singapore, apologist, Theology of the Body instructor, public speaker, relics expert, and professional magician, Andrew has also appeared as a guest on the Cuppa Joe show titled “The Case for Joseph & Mary’s valid marriage.”
Celia Cortest Chin: a natural evangelist and promoter of St Joseph, public speaker, a professional hairstylist for Miss USA beauty contestants and celebrities with 35 awards including 7 national makeover awards. From Wichita, Kansas, she says that St Joseph is the First Founder of Perpetual Adoration and is the “secret weapon” of how she helped to establish over 60 adoration chapels. Celia has also appeared as a YouTube special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.
Subdeacon Dennis Mifsud, BTheol, MA, STL. Charter Member. An ordained Subdeacon of the Byzantine Rite in the Greek Catholic Church in Malta, author of 5 books, a member of the Venerable Archconfraternity of St Joseph, and the Pious Union of St Joseph for the dying founded by St Louis Guanella, Dennis is also a weekly preacher on the local Malta Catholic radio stations (syndicated also in Australia), a Hagiographer, a Consultor in Beatification and Canonization causes, Delegate of the Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Malta, and President of the Association for the Beatification of Empress Zita (Malta), and actively promotes the Faith via Instagram.
Honorary Advisors
Rev. Larry Toschi, OSJ, MSTM, MDiv, MA: author of Husband, Father, Worker: Questions & Answers About St. Joseph, as well as Joseph in the New Testament, and Joseph Studies: A collection of English papers on St. Joseph presented at International St. Joseph Symposia in Malta, and St. Joseph in the Lives of Two Blesseds, The Holy Spouses Rosary, and Holy Spouses website and apostolate. An Oblate of Saint Joseph since 19, his leadership was instrumental in the renovation and rededication of the Shrine of St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer in Santa Cruz, California. He is also known for his pro-life, pro-NFP, pro-family, and pro-fatherhood advocacy. He also appeared as a special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.
Very Rev. Donald H. Calloway, MIC, MDiv, STB, STL: prominent Josephologist and Mariologist, a very familiar face on EWTN and YouTube, he is responsible for helping to usher in the Year of St. Joseph with his epic watershed book Consecration to St Joseph: the Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. His many books also include Consecration to St Joseph for Children and Families, and The Chaste Heart of St Joseph (A Graphic Novel), and St. Joseph Gems: Daily Wisdom on Our Spiritual Father. An avid surfer, his popular conversion story can be found in the Emmy-winning documentary titled “The Testimony of Fr. Donald Calloway” – and his talk, “The Rosary: Spiritual Sword of Our Lady,” has about 3 million views on YouTube. He also appeared as a special guest on the Cuppa Joe show.

John D. Lewis: author of four books including Journey with Joseph, founder of the Josephology Facebook group and YouTube channel, and Host of the Cuppa Joe show, John is a co-founder of JSI, convert, apologist, and a professional pilot based in Hong Kong.

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